Sunday, October 26, 2014

Audio Signal Processing for Music Applications / Week 2: Discrete Fourier transform

`X[k]=sum_(n=0)^(N-1)x[n]e^(-j2 pi kn // N) k=0,...,N-1`
n: discrete time index (normalized time, T=1)
k: discrete frequency index
`omega_k = 2 pi k // N` : frequency in radians
`f_k = f_s k // N`: frequency in Hz ( `f_s` - sampling rate)

Complex DFT
`X[k]=sum_(n=0)^(N-1)e^(j2 pi f_0 n + phi)e^(-j2 pi kn // N) k=0,...,N-1`
`=>` ` e^(j phi) (1-e^(-j2 pi (k // N - f_0) N)) / (1-e^(-j2 pi (k // N - f_0))) `

def DFT(x):
        x (numpy array) = input sequence of length N
        The function should return a numpy array of length N
        X (numpy array) = The N point DFT of the input sequence x
    ## Your code here
    N = len(x)
    r = -1j*2*np.pi/N
    iterable = (sum((x[n]*np.exp( r*n*k) for n in range(N) ), 0.0) for k in range(N))
    return np.fromiter( iterable, np.complex)

`x[n]= 1/N sum_(k=0)^(N-1)X[k]e^(j2 pi kn // N) n=0,...,N-1`

def DFT(x):
        x (numpy array) = input sequence of length N
        The function should return a numpy array of length N
        X (numpy array) = The N point DFT of the input sequence x
    ## Your code here
    N = len(x)
    r = -1j*2*np.pi/N
    iterable = (sum((x[n]*np.exp( r*n*k) for n in range(N) ), 0.0) for k in range(N))
    return np.fromiter( iterable, np.complex)

IDFT for real signals
`X[k]=|X[k]|e^(j < X[k])` and `X[-k]=|X[k]| e^(-j < X[k])` for k=0,1,...N/2-1

def IDFT(X):
        X (numpy array) = frequency spectrum (length N)
        The function should return a numpy array of length N 
        x (numpy array) = The N point IDFT of the frequency spectrum X
    ## Your code here
    N = len(X)
    r = 1j*2*np.pi/N
    iterable = (sum((X[k]*np.exp( r*n*k) for k in range(N) ), 0.0)/N for n in range(N))
    return np.fromiter( iterable, np.complex)


Friday, October 24, 2014

Week 4 of MofMD. Recommender Systems

Two major classes
  • Content based
  • Collaborative filtering
  • Latent factor based
Discussion on "Long Tail" effect. Some products (less popular) may mot exists in physical stores because it's not reasonable to stock them.

Formal model:
C - set of Customers
S - set of Items

Utility function u: C x S -> R (set of Ratings)
R - totally ordered
Key problems:
  • Gathering "known" ratings for matrix
    • Explicit (ask people, don't scale)
    • Implicit (learn from actions, hard to learn low ratings)
  • Extrapolate unknown ratings from the known ones (mostly interested in high unknown ratings)
    • Sparsity
    • Cold start: new items have no ratings, new users have no history
  • Evaluating extrapolation methods

Content-based recommendations

Main idea to recommend customer x items similar to  previous items highly recommended by customer x
Item profiles - set of "important" features
Text features - set of "important" words
Extract using heuristics like TF-IDF (Term frequency * Inverse Doc Frequency)
`f_{ij}` - frequency of ter (feature) `i` in doc (item) `j`
`TF_{ij}= f_{ij}/{max_kf_{ij}}`
`n_j` - number of docs that mention term `i`
`N`- total number of docs
`IDF_i=log(N/n_i)` TF-IDF score: `w_{ij}=TF_{ij} xx IDF_i`
Doc profile - set of words with highest TF-IDF scores (together with scores)
I.e. word is frequent in (small) set of document - it's important
Steps include building user profile as sort of aggregated features of items and estimate `U(x,i)=cos(theta)=(x*i)/(|x||i|)` where x is User profile, i Item profile. Aggregation can be mean or normalized mean of features of items.
  • No need for data on other users
  • Able to recommend to users with unique tastes
  • Able to recommend new & unpopular items
  • Explanation for recommended items
  • Hard to find appropriate features
  • Overspecialization - never recommend items outside user's profile, unable to exploit quality judgments of other users
  • Cold start problem - how to build user profile

Collaborative filtering

Main idea to find N other users whose rating is similar to x's rating and estimate x's rating based on ratings of users in N
Similarity between users
  • Jaccard similarity `sim(A,B)=|r_A nn r_B|/|r_A uu r_B|` doesn't work well.
  • `sim(A,B)= cos ( r_A, r_B )`
  • Centered cosine is better `sim(A,B)= cos ( r_A, r_B )` - center user's rating around average value.( Make 0 average user's rating)
Rating Predictions
Let `r_x` be the vector of user x's ratings
Let N be the set of k users most similar to x who also rated item i
Prediction for user x and item i:
Option 1: `r_{:x i:} = 1/k sum _{:y in N:}r_{:yi:}` - doesn't take in account "degree of similarity" of users
Option 2: `r_{:x i:} = 1/k sum _{:y in N:}s_{:xy:}r_{:yi:} // sum _{:y in N:}s_{:xy:}` where `s_{:xy:} = sim(x,y)`

Another version is Item-Item filtering (User-User described right above)
  • For item i find other similar items
  • Estimate rating for item i based on ratings for similar items
  • Can use same similarity metrics and prediction functions as in user-user model
`r_{:x i:} = {sum _{:j in N (i;x):}s_{:ij:}r_{:xj:}} / {sum _{:j in N(i;x):}s_{:ij:}}` where `s_{:ij:}` similarity of items i and j `r_{:xj:}` rating of user x on item `N(i;x)` set items rated by x similar to i

In practice item-item outperforms user-user in many use cases. - Items are "simpler" than users. Items similarity is more meaningful than user similarity

Common practice implementing collaborative filtering - some combination of recommendation system plus filtering
`r_{:x i:} = b_{:x i:}+{sum _{:j in N (i;x):}s_{:ij:}(r_{:xj:}-b_{:xj:})} / {sum _{:j in N(i;x):}s_{:ij:}}` where `b_{:x i:} = mu + b_x + b_i`, `mu` - overall mean movie rating (example of movie database), `b_x` - rating deviation of user  x = (avg rating of user x) - `mu`, `b_i` - rating deviation of movie i

Evaluating Recommender system
Predict ratings on test set and evaluate RMSE
`sqrt({sum_{(x,i) in T}(r_{x i} - r_{x i}^**)^2} / N)`

`N=|T|`, `r_{x I}` the predicted rating, `r_{x i}^**` the actual rating.

Problem with RMSE - Prediction Diversity (all predictions too similar to each other), Prediction Context (user might operate in different context => want different results), Order of Prediction
We care only to predict high ratings - RMSE might penalize method that does well for high ratings and badly with others, Alternative : precision at top k i.e. percentage of prediction in user's top k ratings.

Latent Factor Models

Global effects => like Baseline Estimation
Local neighborhood (CF/NN) => Final estimate
Collaborative filtering - derive unknown rating from k-nearest neighbors like
`hat r_{x i} = (sum_{j in N(i;x)}S_{ij}*r_{xj})/(sum_{j in N(i;x)}S_{ij})`
`s_{ij}` similarity of items i and j
`r_{uj}` rating of user x on item j
`N(i;x)` set of items similar to item i that were rated by x

Combine with global effects
`hat r_{x i} = b_{x i} + (sum_{j in N(i;x)}S_{ij}*(r_{xj}-b_{x j}))/(sum_{j in N(i;x)}S_{ij})`
`b_{x i}=mu+b_x + b_i`
`mu` - overall mean rating
`b_x` - rating deviation of user  x
`b_i` - rating deviation of item i

1) Similarity are arbitrary
2) Pairwise similarities neglect interdependencies among users
3) Taking weighted average can be restricting

A - input data matrix
U - left singular vec
V - right singular vec
`Sigma` - singular values

`A~~U Sigma V^T` => "SVD" `R~~Q*P^T`, A=R, Q=U, `P^T=Sigma V^T`
R - utility matrix approximated by Q and P matrices of lower dimensions

SVS minimizes reconstruction error
`SSE = {::}_{U,V,Sigma}^"min" sum_{i,j in A}(A_{ij}-[U Sigma V^T]_{ij})^2`
SSE - Sum of Squared Errors
SSE and MSE are monotonically related `RMSE = 1/{const} sqrt(SSE)` => also minimizing RMSE
But R has missing entries!

So modify SVD to find P,Q such as
`{::}_{P,Q}^"min" sum_{(i,x in R)}(r_{"xi"}-q_i * p_x^T)^2` (use elements with defined scores)
  • we don't require P,Q to be orthogonal/unit length
  • P,Q map users/movies to latent space
We want a large k, but if k>2 SSE on training data will increase, because model will adapt noise. So we may use regularization like
`{::}_{P,Q}^"min" sum_{(i,x in R)}(r_{"xi"}-q_i * p_x^T)^2+ lambda[ sum_x||p_x||^2+sum_i||q_i||^2]` 
and use gradient descent

Initialize P and Q (using SVD - pretend missed ratings are 0)
Do gradient descent
  • `P larr P - eta * gradP`
  • `Q larr Q - eta * gradQ`
where `gradQ = [gradq_{ik}]` and `gradq_{ik}=sum_"xi"-2(r_"xi"-q_ip_x^T)p_"xk"+2lambdaq_"ik"`and similary for `gradP`

Modeling biases and interactions
`hat r_"xi" = mu + b_x + b_i + q_i*p_x^T`
'mu' - overall mean rating
`b_x` - bias for user x
`b_i` - bias for movie i
`q_i*p_x^T` - user movie interaction

and we can fit a new model
`{::}_{P,Q}^"min" sum_{(i,x in R)}(r_{"xi"}- (mu + b_x + b_i + q_i*p_x^T))^2` `+ lambda[ sum_x||p_x||^2+sum_i||q_i||^2+sum_x||b_x||^2+sum_i||b_i||^2]` 
where `b_u` and `b_i` become additional parameters for the estimation

Dimensionality Reduction

Matrix rank - number of lineary independent columns/rows. The amount of coordinates can be reduced to rank.

Why reduce?
  • Discover hidden correlation/topics
  • Remove redundant and noisy features
  • Interpretation and visualization
  • Easier storage and processing of data

SVD definition

`A_[m x n] = U_[m x r] Sigma_[r x r] (V_[n x r])^T`
A: input matrix (say, m documents, n terms)
U: Left singular martix m x n matrix (say, m documents, r concepts)
`Sigma` Singular values, r x r diagonal matrix, values on diagonal sorted in decreasing order ("strength of each concept")
V: Right singular vector n x r matrix ( n terms, r concepts)

`A~~USigmaV^T = sum_isigma_iu_inu_i^T`

Decomposition is always possible, matrices are unique, U and  V columns orthonormal ( `U^TU=I`, `V^TV=I`, columns are orthogonal unit vectors), `Sigma` diagonal, singular values are positive and sorted in decreasing order

We can remove minor (tail `nu`).
Frobenius norm is minimal `||M||_F=sqrt(Sigma_"ij"M_"ij^2")`

SVD gives best low rank approximation
Rule-of-a thumb - Keep 80-90% of 'energy' (``=sumsigma_i^2)
SVD complexity O(nm^2) or O(n^2m)whichever is less but less work if we just nee a singular values, or k first singular vectors, or the matrix is sparse

Query SVD
`q_"concept"= q V` - transform query q to "concept" space and it will give a matrix of "strength" of each concept

Relation to Eigen-decomposition
  • A is symmetric
  • U,V,X are orthonormal (`U^TU=I`)
  • `Lambda, Sigma` are diagonal
or diagonal matrix `lambda_i=sigma_i^2`

+ Optimal low rank approximation
- Interpretability problem
- Lack of sparsity (singular vectors are dense)

CUR decomposition
Goal - express A as product of C,U,R matrices and keep `||A - C*U*R||_F` small

"Constraints" on U - contains set of columns from A, similarly on R - set of rows from A

In practice we can choose about 4K rows/cols and do almost as good as SVD does.

See book for details.

Easy interpretation
Rows and columns with large norm may be choosen few times (probabilistic method)