Wednesday, August 24, 2022

Rapid development: Taming wild software schedules

Rapid development: Taming wild software schedules
Steve McConnel
Microsoft Press, 1996
ISBN: 1-55615-900-5

Despite possible expectation this book is not about software tools and technologies but about project managemet.

Part 1 Efficient Development

1. Welcome to rapid development

2. Rapid-development strategy

3. Classic mistakes

4. Sodtware-Development fundamentals

5. Risk management

Part 2 Rapid development

6. Core issues in rapid development

7. Lifecycle planning

8. Estimation

9. Scheduling

10. Customer oriented development

11. Motivation

12. Teamwork

13. Team structure

14. Feature-Set control

15. Productivity tools

16. Project recovery

Part 3 Best Practices

17. Change board

18. Daily build and smoke test

19. Designing for change

20. Evolutionary delivery

21. Evolutionary prototyping

22. Goal settings

23. Inspections

24. Joint Application Development (JAD)

25. Lifecycle Model Selection

26. Measurement

27. Miniature milestones

28. Outsourcing

29. Principled negotiations

30. Productivity environments

31. Rapid-development languages (RDL)

32. Requirements scrubbing

33. Reuse

34. Signing up

35. Spiral lifecycle model

36. Staged delivery

37. Theory-W management

38. Throwaway prototyping

39. Timebox development

40. Tools group

41. Top-10 risks list

42. User-interface prototyping

43. Voluntary overtime

Read on Jun. 10  - Aug. 20, 2022, approx 27 hours